Inception of a Prominent International Participant in Responsible Tourism

Tourismer aims to make you travel to the countries surrounding our Oceans, and thus promote local development.

The Indian Ocean was chosen as the first reference. Its exceptional biodiversity, the dynamics of the inhabitants of its coastal countries encourage us to believe in another type of tourism which can help the development of these regions.

Tourismer aims to be a major player in responsible tourism

Tourismer’s ambition is to help people discover and get to know these countries, and to inspire them to help local development.

To fund its development, Tourismer aims to raise an initial $1M in the coming months from specialized investment funds and intends to surround itself with a team of International Tourism Development Experts. 

Tourismer aims to establish itself as a prominent figure in Responsible Tourism on a global scale within the upcoming five years

«The origins of the project lie in the meeting between the head of a tourism business specialising in the Madagascar-United Arab Emirates region, and a Mentor with a passion for the Oceans and Biodiversity. Together, they joined forces to develop Tourismer, with the support of a highly motivated young Malagasy team.»

Tourismer currently has three reference sites and one site under construction
  • presents all the countries of the Indian Ocean covered by the Tourismer Partners who are responsible for organizing trips to the 21 countries currently included.
  • presents tourism in Madagascar more precisely.
  • provides a wealth of information on the environment and the countries of the Indian Ocean.
  • will cover all five oceans, for 200 selected coastal countries.


Tourismer currently promotes 50 NGOs and associations, with the objective of extending support to 500 organizations throughout the Indian Ocean region.

Tourismer is presently establishing a network comprising 350 Responsible Tourism Partners across 21 countries in the Indian Ocean region.

Tourismer is based in Madagascar, with additional offices in Paris, and is working on setting up operations in 20 countries across the Indian Ocean region.


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