Bun Bang Fai 2024: the rocket festival in Thailand
At the end of May, beginning of June, just before the rainy season, it is the period of the Rocket Festival – Bun Bang Fai. This traditional festival is held in the Isan region. All the information to take part in this spectacular and unique party.
The festival consists of a competition of homemade rockets, which are made from bamboo and papier-mâché. Participants spend months designing and building their rockets, which can be up to six meters long and weigh more than 100 kilograms. On the day of the competition, rockets are launched in hopes of reaching maximum altitude and winning the prize. The festival is also accompanied by music, dance and traditional food, making it a complete cultural experience.
More infos on :https://theo-courant.com/thailande-fete-fusees-bun-bang-fai/