Comoros and its volcano Karthala.
Karthala is less known and much less visited than its neighbor Piton de la Fournaise in Reunion Island but no less interesting! Its eruptions are more unpredictable than those of Piton de la Fournaise and has experienced some recent eruptions that have left their mark. In addition to the effusive eruptions on its flanks, such as in 1977, the volcano has also manifested itself through magmatic or phreatomagmatic eruptions (July 1991 & April 2005 & November 2005 & May 2006 & January 2007), on the summit area of the volcano. It was also in 2005 that a lava lake appeared at the bottom of this crater in place of the water lake. This lake fed by two active fountains will solidify fairly quickly! The last eruption of the volcano dates back to 2007 and occurred in the second crater, Chagnouméni.
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