Indonesia : Borneo, the island of discoveries
The oldest figurative paintings of humanity are in Borneo! On this Indonesian island, the Lubang Jeriji Saléh cave houses works at least 40,000 years old. With his Indonesian and Australian colleagues, Quebec archaeologist Maxime Aubert and his team from Griffith University in Australia have just dated the representation of a large animal in red-orange tones on the walls of the cave. To do this, they used the thorium/uranium isotopic ratio.
A dating that is all the more certain as it is that of the calcite partially covering the parietal painting: it therefore provides a minimum value of the age of the work. The rock art of Borneo, clearly figurative, seems to have developed at approximately the same period as the figurative art of Europe from the Upper Paleolithic, or even a little before. Indeed, figurative painting
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