Lesotho : Maletsunyane waterfalls natural wonder
Waterfalls of Maletsunyane, located in the center of Lesotho, a country enclaved by southern Africa, are a natural wonder. These water falls, which are among the highest in Africa, provide a breathtaking view, including a dizzying 192-meter plunge into a basalt cliff. Visitors from all over the world go to this magnificent place to take in its raw beauty and embark on unforgettable adventures. The best time to see the chutes in all their splendor is during the rainy season, which runs from November to April, though sentiers may be more gliding during this time.
The southern African nation of Lesotho is economically dependent on the southern African nation of Africa, which is mountainous and lacks access to the sea. The country, which was once a British protectorate, gained independence in 1966. Letsie III serves as the head of this constitutional monarchy today. Maseru is its capital and only major city. There are almost two million people living in Lesotho. The Sothos, who gave the country their name, are majoritaires. The majority are Christians. The two official languages are English and South African Sotho.