Indian Ocean Travel by TOURISMER


Sainte-Marie will host the Carnival of Whales from August 11 to 18, 2024

Tourist events are flourishing in various regions of Madagascar.

Following the triumph of the whale festival, Sainte-Marie is preparing to host the “Carnaval des Baleines” once again, commemorating the humpback whale season in the eastern part of Madagascar. This event will showcase the local culture of Nosy Boraha through its renowned carnival.

Scheduled from August 11 to 18, the lively “Carnival of the Whales” will infuse Sainte-Marie with dynamic rhythms, offering a diverse array of activities. Participants can partake in excursions to different sites, explore the craft village, join whale-watching expeditions, and revel in concerts and cultural celebrations.

Source: Madagascar National Tourist Office

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Madagascar: Sainte-Marie will host the Carnival of Whales from August 11 to 18, 2024