Mozambique :Gorongosa National Park
Gorongosa National Park (GNP) in Mozambique is perhaps Africa’s greatest wildlife restoration story. In 2008, the Government of Mozambique and the Carr Foundation formed the “Gorongosa Project”, a 20-year Public-Private Partnership for the joint management of the Park and for human development in the communities near the Park. On June 7th 2018, the Government of Mozambique signed an extension of the management agreement of Gorongosa National Park for another 25 years.
Gorongosa National Park is rich in species. Certain animals are particularly numerous and varied: lions, elephants, crocodiles, birds, hippos, antelopes, etc. It’s truly perfect for all desires! It is best to indulge in a safari on foot or in a 44, accompanied by a guide. The animals you see will be explained by the professionals and will help you find them. It is prohibited to go on an unaccompanied safari, for security reasons. There are also rare species in Gorongosa National Park. The Crawshay zebra or the Pygmy chameleon only live in this region of the world.
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