Swaziland trail : Tikhuba Waterfall Loop
Swaziland is officially called the Kingdom of Swaziland (in English, Kingdom of Swaziland; in Swati, Umbuso weSwatini) or Ngwane, synonymous with Swaziland, from the name of the kings Ngwane III, Ngwane IV and Ngwane V. It is a state in southern Africa, landlocked between Mozambique to the east and South Africa. This small country of 17,363 km² (smaller than Belgium) has been independent since 1968. It is a mountainous region without a coastline. The name of the country (Swaziland) and that of the main ethnic group (the Swatis) come from the name Mswati II, “the greatest of the Swazi warrior kings”. The word Dlamini is the name of the royal family, as well as a common way of calling Swaziland.
Exiting loop directed to a majestic waterfall with caves inside. Spectacular indigenous vegetation on the cliffs, a true experience of the Lubombo landscape with possibilities of free rock climbing
More on : https://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/swaziland-tikhuba-waterfall-loop-17151217