The Last Lost World of Madagascar
Located in the southwest of Madagascar, the Makay massif extends over 4,000 km2. It is a splendid labyrinth of deep canyons sheltering a unique biodiversity. At the bottom of valleys several hundred meters deep, humid forests are reminiscent of the evergreen forests of eastern Madagascar, while the areas surrounding the Makay are shrubby steppes. Also, the Makay forests are home to both species that are unique to it and others, endemic to Madagascar, that have disappeared or are threatened elsewhere on the Island. This situation makes the Makay a real biodiversity treasure trove.
The Makay massif is home to a multitude of animal and plant species. The lemur is obviously one of its inhabitants, like the Verreaux’s Sifaka Propithecus Verreauxi. However, there are other much rarer species in Madagascar, such as the Fossa Cryptoprocta Ferox (the one and only feline on the island) or the elbow-necked turtle Pelomedusa Subrufa. The flora of Makay is not without its rest, because the massif is home to a very large population of Canarium Canarium Elegans. The Protected Area is one of the last places where you can still find the Majestic Palm Ravenea Rivularis.
The people of Makay
While the Makay massif itself is uninhabited, a dozen villages dot its perimeter, often a few hours from the first canyons. These villages are inhabited for the southern part by Bara, and for the northern part by Betsileo.