United Arab Emirates : Al Ain Oasis

In the heart of the Arabian desert, emerging from the hot sand dunes, the oasis of Al Ain resembles a Garden of Eden. With its fountains and green vegetation, it appears like a mirage in the middle of the desert. While all around the heat is so crushing that plants are extremely rare, here the date palms emerge from the ground without difficulty and the paths and roads are shaded by tens of thousands of palm trees.
If Al Ain is so pleasant to visit despite its arid environment, it is because the city was built around an ultra-efficient irrigation system: the falaj. Traditional in the United Arab Emirates, the falaj exploits the network of underground wells to irrigate the ground.
This is how, over the years, the oasis of Al Ain has become a real gem of an ecosystem with its verdant vegetation and pleasant freshness
Source : https://abudhabiculture.ae/fr/unesco/world-heritage-list/al-ain-oasis-unesco