Indian Ocean Travel by TOURISMER

Tourismer Redefines Boundaries

Discover our publications in this field, showcasing thoughtfully selected themes that delve into the cultural interactions of countries surrounding the Indian Ocean

Travelling to the heart of the Indian Ocean in the footsteps of sea turtles

TOURISMER highlights the vital role of sea turtles in marine ecosystems, which is both essential and intriguing, these ancient creatures, with a history spanning over 100 million years, crucial functions essential for the well-being of our oceans.

Crossing the Indian Ocean by Sail

The story of the first sailing explorers in the Indian Ocean is fascinating, dating back millennia. This ocean has long served as a vital crossroads for trade, culture and navigation between the civilizations of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

The dances and music that foster unity among communities in the Indian Ocean region

The Indian Ocean region is known for its cultural exchanges, especially in music and dance, showcasing shared influences among India, Madagascar, Reunion, South Africa, and Australia ...

Fishing Techniques in the Indian Ocean

Fishing in the Indian Ocean has a deep historical impact on cultures and economies of surrounding nations. It involves passing down fishing practices through generations ...

Indian Ocean Gastronomic Trail: Exploring the Global Competition of Samoussa or Samosa

Samoussa or Samosa, appreciated worldwide for their crunchy outer layer and tasty filling, offer a delightful culinary experience enjoyed globally.

Exploring the Biodiversity of Coastal and Marine Life in Indian Ocean Nations

The Indian Ocean, bordered by countries such as India, Indonesia, Australia, and several East African nations, hosts a myriad of ecosystems ...

Egypt's Connection with the Indian Ocean: A Multifaceted Link

Tourismer highlights the wonders of Egypt, located in the northeastern region of Africa. Egypt holds a crucial geographic position, linking the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean.

TOURISMER advocates for Moring, a traditional art form with deep roots in the Indian Ocean region

Tourismer highlights the “Moring”.  This theme is of great relevance because it occupies a central place in the culture of the Indian Ocean islands.

Inception of a Prominent International Participant in Responsible Tourism

Tourismer aims to make you travel to the countries surrounding our Oceans, and thus promote local development.