Indian Ocean Travel by TOURISMER

Tourismer Redefines Boundaries

Discover our publications in this field, showcasing thoughtfully selected themes that delve into the cultural interactions of countries surrounding the Indian Ocean

Exploring the Biodiversity of Coastal and Marine Life in Indian Ocean Nations

The Indian Ocean, bordered by countries such as India, Indonesia, Australia, and several East African nations, hosts a myriad of ecosystems, each supporting an array of marine and coastal life.

Tourismer embraces the challenge of offering comprehensive tourist information for each chosen country within the Indian Ocean region

With over 200,000 visitors engaging with our platforms for Indian Ocean tourism updates, we anticipate our impact to go beyond the region.

Egypt's Connection with the Indian Ocean: A Multifaceted Link

Tourismer highlights the wonders of Egypt, located in the northeastern region of Africa. Egypt holds a crucial geographic position, linking the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean.

TOURISMER advocates for Moring, a traditional art form with deep roots in the Indian Ocean region

Tourismer highlights the “Moring”.  This theme is of great relevance because it occupies a central place in the culture of the Indian Ocean islands.

Date: May 6, 2024

A Memorandum of Understanding has been formalized between TOURISMER and the “Agence Nationale du Tourisme” of Djibouti (ANT), marking the commencement of a collaborative effort to promote Djibouti as a prime tourist destination.

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Date: April 5, 2024

Tourismer aims to make you travel to the countries surrounding our Oceans, and thus promote local development.

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