Indian Ocean Travel

Responsible Travel Madagascar

The fourth largest island in the world, its flora and fauna are so unique and diverse that it is nicknamed “the eighth continent”.Known as the Big Red Island, Madagascar is a world apart, ideal for lovers of wild life, and has a lot more to offer: amazing deserted beaches, sites of world class diving, opportunities to practice all kinds of other nautical sports, and windsurfing, a delicious food, and also treks through amazing , without forgetting the landscapes warm-hearted welcome that the Malagasy people, always smiling, will reserve for you.

Tips for fair tourism

  1. Some moIt’s better to base yourself in one region. That way you get to see things properly rather than just spending your time travelling
  2. Travel around and have contact with local communities, rather than just staying in a resort – you will actually get a feel for Madagascar.
  3. Tourism is incredibly important in Madagascar, but it must be sustainable tourism. That is absolutely essential. There are good tour companies and bad tour companies; in the better ones you travel around and have contact with local communities, rather than just staying in a resort, and you actually get a feel for Madagascar. A great tour gives a good and honest impression of the country, and takes it beyond being just another tourist resort in an exotic place.”

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Practice responsible travel in Madagascar with our local experts.


You will find up-to-date information on responsible travel in Madagascar in our section below.

  1. local culture
  2. local gastronomy
  3. unmissable hike
  4. outstanding local initiatives to preserve ecosystem