Indian Ocean Travel

Responsible travel Indonesia

With over 17 000 islands extends over 5 000 km and an area of ​​2 000 000 km², Thus Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.

Indonesia is also home to hundreds of ethnic groups who speake  their own languages.

Jakarta, a dynamic and sprawling capital, is on the island of Java.It is also the city of Yogyakarta known for gamelan music and traditional puppets.

With increasing numbers of tourists who visite Indonesia, the impact to the environment and locals is sadly being shown in a number of areas.

 Issues and ways for impact on environment

About :

Overtourism has a negative impact on the quality of life and livelihood of locals. As evidenced by the rising cost of living in  region and the detour of resources from locals to the tourism industry.

So the growth of tourism and overtourism create a variety of environmental problems ,and  include a lot of difficulty :

Notably  there are :Water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, and waste management problems. Thus there do in the region,  the  reduction of agricultural land, and, in certain cases, the deforestation.

But we can be optimist : there are local initiatives  positives for the future. For exemple, Residents of Kabalutan Island, cultivate coral reefs with using coconut shells. The Cultivation  is called the bioreeftek method.

Organisation can help  residents to understand that their environment is precious. They can earn a living through ecotourism and developping  local activity.

Practice responsible travel in Indonesia with our local experts.


You will find up-to-date information on responsible travel in Indonesia in our section below.

  1. local culture
  2. local gastronomy
  3. unmissable hike
  4. outstanding local initiatives to preserve ecosystem